Slow Boat Sanlitun

Located in Beijing's vibrant Sanlitun nightlife hub, this Slow Boat Brewery venue sought a design makeover.

Studio Vapore blended varied terrazzo flooring hues with gleaming blue mosaic tiles and rough concrete walls.

this material mix is enhanced by a series of lighting fixtures, creating reflections that resemble the city's vibrant nocturnal life. The space offers diverse seating layouts for varied dining experiences. Brewing tanks are spotlighted, and the brewing process is celebrated with malt showcased on the feature staircase.

北京著名的悠航鲜啤以其手工啤酒在全市享有盛名。在三里屯分店,Studio Vapore进行了设计和视觉上的更新。设计引入了水磨石地面、明亮的蓝色瓷砖以及裸露的混凝土墙,营造了视觉和材质上的独特碰撞。精心设计的灯光巧妙地增强了整体环境氛围,仿佛散发出与北京夜景相仿的光芒。店内布局为顾客提供了多样用餐需求选择。啤酒发酵罐被直接展示在店内,成为了视觉的焦点。此外,楼梯间墙面特意设置了啤酒发酵用麦芽存放架,为视觉增添亮点。

Location: Beijing, China
Client: SlowBoat
Year: 2021/2022
Status: Completed
Photographs: 2Lenses

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