Blue Birds

As part of an office renovation project, Studio Vapore acknowledged the acoustical challenges posed by concrete ceilings. Rather than relying on standard off-the-shelf solutions, we opted for a customized approach, taking inspiration from the building's high slanted roof. This architectural feature evoked the image of birds in flight. Drawing from this imagery, we meticulously crafted panels made from felt, resembling birds in various flight poses. Notably, one unique design incorporated integrated lighting, serving both as an aesthetic centerpiece and a functional light source. Through diligent collaboration with our supplier, these felt-panel designs not only encapsulated visual elegance but also met the required acoustic standards. The end result is a harmonious marriage of style and function, enhancing the ambiance of the office space.

作为办公室翻新项目的一部分,Studio Vapore 意识到原始混凝土天花所带来的声学管理挑战。与采用现成解决方案不同,我们更倾向于选择定制的方法。建筑的高倾斜屋顶自然地启发了一个独特的设计理念:飞翔的鸟。
基于这个灵感,我们创造了吸音板,其形状模仿了各种飞行姿态的鸟类。这些吸音板还集成了照明功能,不仅具有美观性,还可以提供照明,同时也达到了声学吸音的目的。通过与供应商紧密合作,我们成功地在视觉吸引力和必要的声学标准之间找到了平衡点,使这些设计元素在办公环境中无缝融合了风格和功能。 这个创意的选择不仅解决了声学问题,还为办公室注入了独特的个性和美感,体现了Studio Vapore在设计中寻求创新与功能性的理念。

Year: 2022
Status: Completed
Photographs: Studio Vapore, 2Lenses

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